A recent upgrade from Ubuntu Gutsy to Ubuntu Hardy started causing apt to fail due to an internal failure in lsb_release:
# lsb_release
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/lsb_release", line 327, in
File "/usr/bin/lsb_release", line 291, in main
distinfo = get_distro_information()
File "/usr/bin/lsb_release", line 254, in get_distro_information
distinfo = guess_debian_release()
File "/usr/bin/lsb_release", line 213, in guess_debian_release
rinfo = guess_release_from_apt()
File "/usr/bin/lsb_release", line 169, in guess_release_from_aptv version = RELEASE_CODENAME_LOOKUP.get(unknown, rinfo.get('suite',''))
NameError: global name 'unknown' is not defined
The problem turned out to be due to these two entries in /etc/apt/sources.list which were being used to get Polarion:
deb http://debian.sh.cvut.cz/debian/ etch main non-free
deb http://security.debian.org/ etch/updates main contrib
Commenting them out fixed the problem. I guess they don't work well with Hardy.