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Showing posts from January, 2009

Ubuntu vs Windows

A picture speaks a thousand words.

Blogger and OpenID: Error code bX-o8d45s

I use my blog's URL as my OpenID. This works well at many sites but with ReadWriteWeb 's comment system this fails. This is the error from Blogger: We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request. When reporting this error to Blogger Support or on the Blogger Help Group, please: Describe what you were doing when you got this error. Provide the following error code and additional information . bX-o8d45s Additional information host: uri: /openid-login.g This information will help us to track down your specific problem and fix it! We apologize for the inconvenience. Find help See if anyone else is having the same problem: Search the Blogger Help Group for bX-o8d45s If you don't get any results for that search, you can start a new topic. Please make sure to mention bX-o8d45s in your message. There are no matches for this error code in the Help forums or on Google searches. Has anyone else run into