Some really cool demos were presented at the HTML5 Community Night event at Microsoft on April 26th 2011. Here are a smattering of the links to the demos. gameClosure Cross-platform multi-player games built using HTML5. Supports browsers as well as iPhone and Android. PowWow PowWow : A HTML5-based multiplayer game showing off WebSockets and WebGL. Vision Explorer VisionExplorer – 3D exploration of the National Museum of China. Built with JavaScript. Pacman Classic Pac-Man extended to a multi-grid Pac-Man. Built again with JavaScript. SVG Girl SVG Girl : a Japanese anime “video” implemented completely in SVG! CSS3 GRID SYSTEM IE9’s Grid System in CSS. There were many other demos but these were the URLs that I managed to snag during the presentation. Will update my post if I find links to the other demos.
Random techie stuff